In view of the particularly hazardous nature of explosive substances and objects, the prevention of pyrotechnic risk is covered by codified provisions (articles L. 4121-3 and R. 4462-1 to R. 4462-36 of the French Labor Code).
These studies are compulsory for any company with personnel carrying out one or more activities involving pyrotechnic products (storage, transfer, linking, manufacture, destruction, etc.).
In compliance with the decree of April 20, 2007, BS&A carries out a safety study of your installations:
The content of occupational safety studies is defined in Article 2 of the implementing order of November 7, 2013.
As part of its expertise in blast & impact, BS&A is able to evaluate, by numerical simulation, the hazardous areas for munitions documented or not in the regulations.
We produce studies for the authorities, including overpressure and projection maps.
BS&A offers engineering services for the design of pyrotechnic infrastructures, integrating FR and NATO regulations, and provides "blast & impact engineering" skills for structures and add-on components (blast doors, blast valves).
In the civil sector, BS&A is able to support pyrotechnics manufacturers in developing protection solutions or in carrying out their safety studies.